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Bidder Code visx Member no
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display, video Multi Format Support check with bidder
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 154
GPP Support check with bidder DSA Support check with bidder
USP/CCPA Support check with bidder COPPA Support check with bidder
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals yes
Floors Module Support check with bidder First Party Data Support check with bidder
User IDs all ORTB Blocking Support check with bidder
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support check with bidder


To be able to use the full bandwidth of VIS.X high impact ad products, we strongly recommend disabling SafeFrames:

  • If you are using Google Ad Manager (GAM), make sure the “Serve in Safeframe” box in creative settings is unchecked,
  • If you are using AppNexus Seller Tag, make sure the enableSafeFrame parameter is set to False.

If you require SafeFrames to be activated, please reach out to your YOC account manager to obtain further details.

If a single bid request contains more than 20 impression objects, this request will be ignored.

The YOC VIS.X adapter requires setup and approval from your YOC account manager team, even for existing YOC publishers. Please reach out to your account manager to enable Prebid.js for your account.

Configuration: Currency

Name Scope Description Example Type
uid required The publisher’s ad unit ID in VIS.X. The parameter can be either an integer or string for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. 903536 integer


The YOC VIS.X adapter has the ability to work in different currencies. Currently, this adapter supports EUR, USD, GBP, PLN, CHF, SEK. Defaults to EUR. If your Ad Server uses EUR, you don’t need any additional currency settings. If you would like to trade with VIS.X in a currency different from EUR, you should implement some additional settings.

  1. Download and configure the Prebid.js Currency module

  1. Setup the currency in Currency config

a) If your Ad Server uses the currency from the list of VIS.X supported currencies (e.g. GBP), use the following settings:

    currency: {
        adServerCurrency: 'GBP',
        bidderCurrencyDefault: {
            visx: 'GBP'

b) If your Ad Server uses an unsupported currency for VIS.X (e.g. JPY), use the following settings:

    currency: {
        adServerCurrency: 'JPY',
        bidderCurrencyDefault: {
            visx: 'EUR'

Best practices:

  • Please make sure that the currency module is set up and configured in order to trade with YOC in a currency that is not supported by the YOC VIS.X bidder.
  • You should set EUR in bidderCurrencyDefault parameter if you use unsupported currencies for VIS.X.
  • Feel free to reach out to your contact at YOC if you need additional support setting up Prebid.js and the currency config.

Configuration: Video

The YOC VIS.X Prebid.js adapter responds with VAST XML (in the vastXml field) and expects client-side caching enabled. To enable it, use the following settings:

        cache: {
            url: ''


  • In Prebid’s bidderSettings, the storageAllowed parameter must be set to true. In Prebid v7.0 and later, storageAllowed defaults to false, so you will need to explicitly set this value to true.

Prebid note: please review with your legal counsel before enabling storageAllowed. Bidders utilizing browser storage may trigger the need for additional disclosures in your privacy policy and may imply that the bid adapter is performing an activity redundant with user ID systems like SharedID. See the ePrivacy Directive article 5(3) reference to ‘comprehensive information’.

        pbjs.bidderSettings = {
            visx: {
                storageAllowed: true

Bid params

Name Scope Description Example Type
uid required The publisher’s ad unit ID in VIS.X. The parameter can be either an integer or string for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. 903536 integer

Media type Banner object params

Name Scope Description Example Type
sizes required All sizes this ad unit can accept. [[300, 250], [300, 600]] array of integer arrays

Media type Video object params

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required The video context, only ‘instream’ is allowed. 'instream' string
playerSize required The size (width, height) of the video player on the page, in pixels. [640, 480] integer array
mimes optional Content MIME types supported. ['video/mp4', 'video/x-ms-wmv'] string array

Example of Banner Ad unit

var bannerAdUnit = {
    code: 'bannerAdUnit1',
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [[320, 480], [728, 90]]    // required
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'visx',
        params: {
            uid: 903536                     // required

Example of Video Ad unit

var videoAdUnit = {
    code: 'videoAdUnit1',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            context: 'instream',              // required
            playerSize: [400, 300],           // required
            mimes: ['video/mp4']              // optional, required by Prebid Server
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'visx',
        params: {
            uid: 921068                     // required

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_visx hb_bidder_visx hb_adid_visx
hb_size_visx hb_source_visx hb_format_visx
hb_cache_host_visx hb_cache_id_visx hb_uuid_visx
hb_cache_path_visx hb_deal_visx

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