This module retrieves real-time data from the SemantIQ service and populates ORTB data.
You need to obtain a company ID from Audienzz for the module to function properly. Contact for details.
Include the module into your Prebid.js
gulp build --modules='rtdModule,semantiqRtdProvider,...'
Configure the module via pbjs.setConfig
realTimeData: {
dataProviders: [
name: 'semantiq',
waitForIt: true,
params: {
companyId: 12345,
timeout: 1000,
Name | Required | Description | Type | Default value | Example |
companyId | No | Company ID obtained from Audienzz. | number | number[] | - | 12345 |
timeout | No | The maximum time to wait for a response in milliseconds. | number | 1000 | 3000 |