iOS GAM Bidding-Only Integration - Multiformat Banner+Video+InAppNative

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Starting with version 2.1.5 Prebid SDK supports the fully multiformat ad unit. It allows to run bid requests with any combination of banner, video, and native formats.

The following code demonstrates the integration of multiformat ad unit.

func createAd() {
    // 1. Setup a PrebidAdUnit
    adUnit = PrebidAdUnit(configId: configId)
    adUnit.setAutoRefreshMillis(time: 30_000)

    // 2. Setup the parameters
    let bannerParameters = BannerParameters()
    bannerParameters.api = [Signals.Api.MRAID_2]
    bannerParameters.adSizes = [adSize]

    let videoParameters = VideoParameters(mimes: ["video/mp4"])
    videoParameters.protocols = [Signals.Protocols.VAST_2_0]
    videoParameters.playbackMethod = [Signals.PlaybackMethod.AutoPlaySoundOff]
    videoParameters.placement = Signals.Placement.InBanner
    videoParameters.adSize = adSize

    let nativeParameters = NativeParameters()
    nativeParameters.assets = nativeAssets
    nativeParameters.context = ContextType.Social
    nativeParameters.placementType = PlacementType.FeedContent
    nativeParameters.contextSubType = ContextSubType.Social
    nativeParameters.eventtrackers = eventTrackers

    // 3. Configure the PrebidRequest
    let prebidRequest = PrebidRequest(bannerParameters: bannerParameters, videoParameters: videoParameters, nativeParameters: nativeParameters)

    // 4. Make a bid request
    let gamRequest = GAMRequest()
    adUnit.fetchDemand(adObject: gamRequest, request: prebidRequest) { [weak self] _ in
        guard let self = self else { return }

        // 5. Configure and make a GAM ad request
        self.adLoader = GADAdLoader(adUnitID: gamRenderingMultiformatAdUnitId, rootViewController: self,
                                    adTypes: [GADAdLoaderAdType.customNative, GADAdLoaderAdType.gamBanner], options: [])
        self.adLoader.delegate = self

To handle the banner, video and in-banner native (Native Styles) ads:

func adLoader(_ adLoader: GADAdLoader, didReceive bannerView: GAMBannerView) {
    self.bannerView.isHidden = false
    self.nativeView.isHidden = true
    self.bannerView.backgroundColor = .clear

    AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize(bannerView, success: { [weak self] size in

        self?.bannerView.constraints.first { $0.firstAttribute == .width }?.constant = size.width
        self?.bannerView.constraints.first { $0.firstAttribute == .height }?.constant = size.height
    }, failure: { (error) in
        PrebidDemoLogger.shared.error("Error occuring during searching for Prebid creative size: \(error)")

If you use Custom Native Ads follow the guide on how to implement processing of the ad response of the respective type. To handle the wining native ad:

// MARK: - NativeAdDelegate

func nativeAdLoaded(ad: NativeAd) {
    nativeView.isHidden = false
    bannerView.isHidden = true

    nativeAd = ad
    titleLabel.text = ad.title
    bodyLabel.text = ad.text

    if let iconString = ad.iconUrl {
        ImageHelper.downloadImageAsync(iconString) { result in
            if case let .success(icon) = result {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.iconView.image = icon

    if let imageString = ad.imageUrl {
        ImageHelper.downloadImageAsync(imageString) { result in
            if case let .success(image) = result {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.mainImageView.image = image

    callToActionButton.setTitle(ad.callToAction, for: .normal)
    sponsoredLabel.text = ad.sponsoredBy

    nativeAd.registerView(view: view, clickableViews: [callToActionButton])

Step 1: Create a PrebidAdUnit

Initialize the PrebidAdUnit with the following properties:

  • configId - an ID of the Stored Impression on the Prebid Server

Step 2: Setup the parameters

For each ad format you should create a respective configuration parameter:


Using the BannerParameters object you can customize the bid request for banner ads.

Starting from PrebidMobile 2.1.0 the BannerBaseAdUnit.Parameters class is deprecated. Use BannerParameters instead.


Defines the OpenRTB banner.formats array.

interstitialMinWidthPerc and interstitialMinHeightPerc

For interstitials only, these define which sizes Prebid Server will choose to send to bidders. See Prebid Server interstitial support. If this option is used, you’ll need to set the size to 1x1.


The api property is dedicated to adding values for API Frameworks to bid response according to the OpenRTB 2.6 spec. The supported values for GMA SDK integration are:

  • 3 or Signals.Api.MRAID_1 : MRAID-1 support signal
  • 5 or Signals.Api.MRAID_2 : MRAID-2 support signal
  • 6 or Signals.Api.MRAID_3 : MRAID-3 support signal
  • 7 or Signals.Api.OMID_1 : signals OMSDK support


Using the VideoParameters object you can customize the bid request for video ads.


Note: Deprecated as of OpenRTB v2.6-202303 release.

Not needed for Instream video integration, which uses placement=1 and plcmt=1.

The OpenRTB 2.6 Placement Type for the auction can be expressed as an integer or you can use an enum for easier readability.

  • 2 or InBanner : In-Banner placement exists within a web banner that leverages the banner space to deliver a video experience as opposed to another static or rich media format. The format relies on the existence of display ad inventory on the page for its delivery.
  • 3 or InArticle : In-Article placement loads and plays dynamically between paragraphs of editorial content; existing as a standalone branded message.
  • 4 or InFeed : In-Feed placement is found in content, social, or product feeds.
  • 5 or Slider, Floating or Interstitial : Open RTB supports one of three values for option 5 as either Slider, Floating or Interstitial. If an enum value is supplied in placement, bidders will receive value 5 for placement type and assume to be interstitial with the instl flag set to 1.


  • PrebidAdUnit, VideoInterstitialAdUnit and RewardedVideoAdUnit will default to placement=5 if no placement value is supplied.


The OpenRTB v2.6-202303 Placement Type for the auction can be expressed as an integer or you can use an enum for easier readability.

  • 1 or Instream : Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during or after the streaming video content that the consumer has requested. Instream video must be set to “sound on” by default at player start, or have explicitly clear user intent to watch the video content. While there may be other content surrounding the player, the video content must be the focus of the user’s visit. It should remain the primary content on the page and the only video player in-view capable of audio when playing. If the player converts to floating/sticky subsequent ad calls should accurately convey the updated player size..
  • 2 or AccompanyingContent : Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during, or after streaming video content. The video player loads and plays before, between, or after paragraphs of text or graphical content, and starts playing only when it enters the viewport. Accompanying content should only start playback upon entering the viewport. It may convert to a floating/sticky player as it scrolls off the page.
  • 3 or Interstitial : Video ads that are played without video content. During playback, it must be the primary focus of the page and take up the majority of the viewport and cannot be scrolled out of view. This can be in placements like in-app video or slideshows.
  • 4 or NoContent or Standalone : Video ads that are played without streaming video content. This can be in placements like slideshows, native feeds, in-content or sticky/floating.


  • PrebidAdUnit, VideoInterstitialAdUnit and RewardedVideoAdUnit will default to plcmnt=3 if no placement value is supplied.


The api property is dedicated to adding values for API Frameworks to bid response according to the OpenRTB 2.6 spec. The supported values for GMA SDK integration are:

  • 1 or Signals.Api.VPAID_1 : VPAID 1.0
  • 2 or Signals.Api.VPAID_2 : VPAID 2.0
  • 3 or Signals.Api.MRAID_1 : MRAID-1 support signal
  • 5 or Signals.Api.MRAID_2 : MRAID-2 support signal
  • 6 or Signals.Api.MRAID_3 : MRAID-3 support signal
  • 7 or Signals.Api.OMID_1 : signals OMSDK support


Integer representing the OpenRTB 2.6 maximum bit rate in Kbps.


Integer representing the OpenRTB 2.6 minimum bit rate in Kbps.


Integer representing the OpenRTB 2.6 maximum video ad duration in seconds.


Integer representing the OpenRTB 2.6 minimum video ad duration in seconds.


Array of strings representing the supported OpenRTB 2.6 content MIME types (e.g., “video/x-ms-wmv”, “video/mp4”). Required property.


Array of OpenRTB 2.6 playback methods. If none are specified, any method may be used. Only one method is typically used in practice. It is strongly advised to use only the first element of the array.

  • 1 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.AutoPlaySoundOn : Initiates on Page Load with Sound On
  • 2 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.AutoPlaySoundOff : Initiates on Page Load with Sound Off by Default
  • 3 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.ClickToPlay : Initiates on Click with Sound On
  • 4 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.MouseOver : Initiates on Mouse-Over with Sound On
  • 5 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.EnterSoundOn : Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound On
  • 6 or Signals.PlaybackMethod.EnterSoundOff: Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default


Array or enum of OpenRTB 2.6 supported Protocols. Values can be one of:

  • 1 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_1_0 : VAST 1.0
  • 2 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_2_0 : VAST 2.0
  • 3 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_3_0 : VAST 3.0
  • 4 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_1_0_Wrapper : VAST 1.0 Wrapper
  • 5 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_2_0_Wrapper : VAST 2.0 Wrapper
  • 6 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_3_0_Wrapper : VAST 3.0 Wrapper
  • 7 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_4_0 : VAST 4.0
  • 8 or Signals.Protocols.VAST_4_0_Wrapper : VAST 4.0 Wrapper


Using the NativeParameters object (with the PrebidRequest object) or the NativeRequest object, you can customize the bid request for native ads.


The array of requested asset objects. Prebid SDK supports all kinds of assets according to the IAB spec except video.


The array of requested native trackers. Prebid SDK supports inly image trackers according to the IAB spec.


Version of the Native Markup version in use. The default value is 1.2


The context in which the ad appears.


A more detailed context in which the ad appears.


The design/format/layout of the ad unit being offered.


The number of identical placements in this Layout.


0 for the first ad, 1 for the second ad, and so on.


Whether the supply source/impression supports returning an assetsurl instead of an asset object. 0 or the absence of the field indicates no such support.


Whether the supply source / impression supports returning a dco url instead of an asset object. 0 or the absence of the field indicates no such support.


Set to 1 when the native ad supports buyer-specific privacy notice. Set to 0 (or field absent) when the native ad doesn’t support custom privacy links or if support is unknown.


This object is a placeholder that may contain custom JSON agreed to by the parties to support flexibility beyond the standard defined in this specification

Step 3: Create PrebidRequest

Create the instance of PrebidRequest initializing it with respective ad format parameters.

In addition you can set the following properties of the PrebidRequest.

Step 4: Make a bid request

The fetchDemand method makes a bid request to the Prebid Server. You should provide a GAMRequest object to this method so Prebid SDK sets the targeting keywords of the winning bid for future ad requests.

Step 5: Create a GAMBannerView

Follow the GMA SDK documentation to integrate a banner ad unit.

Step 6: Load an Ad

Now you should request the ad from GAM. If the GAMRequest contains targeting keywords, the respective Prebid line item will be returned from GAM and GMA SDK will render its creative.

Be sure that you make the ad request with the same GAMRequest object that you passed to the fetchDemand method. Otherwise, the ad request won’t contain targeting keywords, and Prebid’s ad won’t ever be displayed.

Step 7: Process the Ad Response

Once an app receives a signal that an ad is loaded, you should use the method AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize to verify whether it is a Prebid ad and resize the ad slot respectively to the creative’s properties.

Further Reading